Ensuring compliance of business activity with the requirements of competition law – in the face of threatening sanctions, stricter penalty policy and the activity of competition authorities – is an increasingly important aspect of the legal security of business operators.
We provide the highest quality services in the field of competition law (competition and consumer protection, combating unfair competition and unfair market practices), including EU competition law.
Within Competition and Consumer Protection Law specialization, in particular we advise on:
Agreements compliant with competition law
- Analysis and creation of distribution models, including rebate systems and trade policies
- Assistance in trade negotiations and balancing the negotiating power
- Creating online and offline trading models
- Creating and analyzing pricing policy
- Category management – positioning as a market/category leader, category captain
Payment backlogs – the Late Payment Act
- Support in adapting contracts and processes to regulatory requirements
- Strategy building and scenario analysis, risk and opportunity assessment in proceedings before the President of Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
- Representation of clients in proceedings initiated by the President of Office of Competition and Consumer Protection regarding late payments
Abuse of a dominant position
- Analysis and evaluation of the activities of the dominant entrepreneur in terms of compliance with national and EU regulations
- Assessment of the possibility of differentiating offers without any accusation of discrimination
- Advising on establishing a direct relationship with the manufacturer in the field of supply
- Assessment of the manufacturer's possibility of refusing to supply or sell
- Balancing the negotiating power – helping to negotiate with the seemingly stronger party
- Assessment of the burdensome conditions of cooperation with the manufacturer or recipient
Building a competitive advantage
- Assessment of the possibility of legally obtaining information about competitors' activities
- Analysis and evaluation of parallel actions (imitation)
- Defining the rules of safe contacts with competing companies
- Protection of trade secrets
- Non-competition, non-disclosure agreements
- Takeover by competitors of customers or employees
Dawn raids
- Dawn raid simulations or assistance in the event of dawn raid
- Assistance in the investigation and antitrust proceedings
- Training in the field of competition law and consumer protection law for managers and employees of marketing and sales departments and other units in enterprises
- Comprehensive antitrust audits
- Preparation of internal compliance systems and creation of supervision (monitoring) procedures over trade agreements and communication with the market
Consumer protection
- Analysis of promotional and marketing mechanisms
- Identifying and supporting in combating acts of unfair competition
- Imitation of name, company, trademark, products
- Hindering market access
- Unfair advertising (misleading, prohibited comparative advertising)
- Giving opinions on contracts, regulations, contract templates
- Analysis of activities and assessment of the possibility of challenging given market practices
- Analysis of codes of good commercial practice
Unfair use of contractual advantage
- Analysis of the existence of economic disparities between the parties
- Assessment of applied or planned rules of commercial cooperation, in particular in the field of rebate policy
- Representation of clients in proceedings initiated by the President of Office of Competition and Consumer Protection regarding the unfair use of contractual advantage